Real-Time & Historical
World Weather Data API

Retrieve instant, accurate weather information for
any location in the world in lightweight JSON format

Trusted by 75,000 companies worldwide Start using the API — It's free!
New York, United States
Partly Cloudy
Wind: 6.1 kmph Precip: 0.00 mm Pressure: 1025.0 mb 21.0 °c
MON 21.0 °c
TUE 23.3 °c
WED 27.8 °c
THU 31.3 °c
FRI 17.0 °c
  • Happy Customers:
Real-Time, History, Forecast

Our API covers global weather data across the board — from a multi-year history all the way to live information and accurate weather forecasts.

Millions of Locations

Make use of live or hour-by-hour weather data for millions of cities and towns worldwide, supporting a variety methods to look up any location.

Rock-Solid Uptime & Speed

Powered by best-in-class cloud infrastructure, our API delivers data in milliseconds around the clock with an uptime of nearly 100%.

Start Free, Upgrade Later

Start testing the API immediately by signing up for our Free Plan. You can always upgrade later — no strings attached.

Intuitive APIs.
Effortless Integration.
Limitless Opportunities.

From currencies to weather, PDFs to more, our API marketplace has it all.
Start exploring today and find the perfect building blocks for your next project.

Access to Global Weather Data, Developer-friendly

Get instant access to accurate weather data for any geo-point in the world and enjoy a rich set of capabilities:

  • Real-Time Weather API
  • Historical Weather API
  • Weather Forecasts API
  • Location Autocomplete
  • Bulk API Endpoint
World Weather Map

Complete Weather Data Coverage

Get years of historical weather data, request real-time weather information or make use of accurate weather forecasts.
    "request": {
        "type": "City",
        "query": "New York, United States of America",
        "language": "en",
        "unit": "m"
    "location": {
        "name": "New York",
        "country": "United States of America",
        "region": "New York",
        "lat": "40.714",
        "lon": "-74.006",
        "timezone_id": "America/New_York",
        "localtime": "2019-09-08 09:36",
        "localtime_epoch": 1567935360,
        "utc_offset": "-4.0"
    "current": {
        "observation_time": "01:36 PM",
        "temparature": 18,
        "weather_code": 113,
        "weather_icons": [
        "weather_descriptions": [
        "wind_speed": 7,
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        "pressure": 1018,
        "precip": 0,
        "humidity": 70,
        "cloudcover": 0,
        "feelslike": 18,
        "uv_index": 5,
        "visibility": 16
    "historical": {
        "2013-07-01": {
            "date": "2013-07-01",
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            "astro": {
                "sunrise": "05:29 AM",
                "sunset": "08:31 PM",
                "moonrise": "12:59 AM",
                "moonset": "02:42 PM",
                "moon_phase": "Last Quarter",
                "moon_illumination": 40
            "mintemp": 21,
            "maxtemp": 25,
            "avgtemp": 22,
            "totalsnow": 0,
            "sunhour": 12.5,
            "uv_index": 5
    "request": {
        "type": "City",
        "query": "San Francisco, United States of America",
        "language": "en",
        "unit": "m"
    "location": {
        "name": "San Francisco",
        "country": "United States of America",
        "region": "California",
        "lat": "37.775",
        "lon": "-122.418",
        "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "localtime": "2019-09-03 05:35",
        "localtime_epoch": 1567488900,
        "utc_offset": "-7.0"
    "current": {
        "observation_time": "12:35 PM",
        "temparature": 16,
        "weather_code": 122,
        "weather_icons": [
        "weather_descriptions": [
        "astro": {
            "sunrise": "06:31 AM",
            "sunset": "05:47 PM",
            "moonrise": "06:56 AM",
            "moonset": "06:47 PM",
            "moon_phase": "Waxing Crescent",
            "moon_illumination": 0
        "air_quality": {
            "co": "468.05",
            "no2": "32.005",
            "o3": "55",
            "so2": "7.4",
            "pm2_5": "6.66",
            "pm10": "6.66",
            "us-epa-index": "1",
            "gb-defra-index": "1"
        "wind_speed": 17,
        "wind_degree": 260,
        "wind_dir": "W",
        "pressure": 1016,
        "precip": 0,
        "humidity": 87,
        "cloudcover": 100,
        "feelslike": 16,
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        "visibility": 16
    "request": {
        "type": "City",
        "query": "Chicago, United States of America",
        "language": "en",
        "unit": "m"
    "location": {
        "name": "Chicago",
        "country": "United States of America",
        "region": "Illinois",
        "lat": "41.850",
        "lon": "-87.650",
        "timezone_id": "America/Chicago",
        "localtime": "2019-09-08 08:39",
        "localtime_epoch": 1567931940,
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    "current": {
        "observation_time": "01:39 PM",
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        "uv_index": 4,
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        "2019-09-08": {
            "date": "2019-09-08",
            "date_epoch": 1567900800,
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                {   "time": "300", ...   },
                {   "time": "600", ...   },
                // 6 more items
  • Reliable Data Sources

    Powered by a strong backbone of data sources, our weather data API comes with the highest level of reliability, consistency and accuracy.

  • Lightning-fast Response

    Weather data is delivered in lightweight JSON format to ensure a high level of speed and compatibility with any programming language.

  • Scalable Infrastructure

    Our REST API is backed by scalable cloud infrastructure built and maintained by apilayer, capable of handling billions of requests per day.

  • Flexible Location Lookup

    Millions of locations can be looked up by city or region name, ZIP code, IP address, or even using latitude and longitude coordinates.

  • Bank-Level Security

    All data streams sent to and from the weatherstack API are secured using industry-standard 256-bit HTTPS (SSL) encryption.

  • Extensive API Documentation

    An API is only as good as its documentation, which is why a series of interactive code examples in multiple languages are waiting for you.

Join more than 75,000 companies worldwide using the weatherstack API

We are proud of delivering accurate weather data to some of the smartest brands out there.

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